Kamis, 17 Mei 2012

Ha ha ha *damn..*

Ok, untuk mengawali post kali ini mari putar lagu Muse. Judulnya Exogenesis Part III : Redemption *asal..gua lupa judulnya..*

let's start over again.. 
why can't we start it over again.. 
to soon become.. 

Last Wednesday, after sh*tty psychology of personality final exam gua cabut ke Gandaria City. Literally, I had appointment over there and we connected by text message (antara males minta pin BB atau orang ini iPhone user).

Yes, I also met Ketty.

She noticed me that.. please back to you used to be, don't too much psychology! 

A-ha? *eyebrow raised*

did I?

Sepertinya entah gua terlalu dalam, entah terlalu norak jadi mahasiswa, entah proses recall dan recognition lemah, sehingga di setiap kesempatan saat mendapati fenomena perilaku manusia, selalu muncul apa yang dipelajari baik dari slide, buku, perkuliahan. Otherwise.. maybe I'm way too scientist -_-"
Ha ha ha damn right.. 

Sebenernya gua perlu mengurangi frasa "menurut teori..."

Baiklah, that's my fault, i need to learn how psychologist behave :p 

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